At FMP COMPUTER SERVICES we do more than just rent real estate on the Internet. We provide quality, personal service based on an understanding that our clients must maintain a presence on the Internet but often don't have the time or inclination to master the technical complexities of the on-line world. |

These prices cover on-line service only and do not include programming time or html composition time. Services do not include a limitation on page numbers although disk space is limited to 500 megabytes. Extra space may be rented as shown below. Accounts with FMP are designed for low to moderate traffic. High traffic accounts (in excess of 100MB/month) may be charged additional fees as noted below.
Please note that FMP does not support Microsoft FrontPage server extensions. FrontPage extensions are incompatible with the use of standard Internet File Transfer Protocol, which is fully supported for all customer accounts. We will be happy to provide technical advice and support to anyone wishing to use File Transfer Protocol to maintain a website on FMP.
Web Service Options
FMP offers two classes of web/email hosting service which fit the needs of most of our customers.
Basic Web Service |
FMP's Basic Web Service offers a competitive hosting option to meet the needs of our customers who need a minimal web presence. If you need a no-frills web presence for your business at a competitive price then FMP's Basic Web Service may be what you're looking for.
Basic Document Hosting allows your website to serve text, pictures, audio files and other static documents. No support for active server technology (see Premium Web Service) is included. As with Premium Web Service, you have full access to your website files using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). |
A Custom Domain Name lets you personalize your website address (URL) for your business. Charges for registration of your domain name are not included. |
Unlimited Email Forwarding lets you receive email addressed to your business using your business's domain name and redirect it to the email service provided by your ISP, or elsewhere as necessary. You can customize your mail forwarding using FMP's mail management website. No FMP mailboxes are provided with Basic Web Service. Forwarded mail is not screened for viruses and spam. |
Basic Web Service |
$16.00 / month |
Setup Charge |
$25.00 |
Premium Web Service |
For customers with who need a state-of-the-art website, Premium Web Service provides several advanced features that will allow your business to take maximum advantage of the many opportunities available on the Internet today.
Active Server Technology provided by PHP (version 7) and the MySQL database engine gives your website the ability to interact with your visitors through forms, shopping carts or personalized menus. You can serve information from a database, require passwords for access to parts of your site, offer guest books, counters and any number of other such features. You can even manage portions of your site remotely using secure administrative web access. See our tech page for more information on FMP's active server technology. |
Up to 3 Custom Domain Names let you personalize your website address (URL) for your business. Your domain names lets your website visitors find you at http://www.yourbusiness.com. Charges for registration of your domain names are not included. For customers wanting IPv6 addresses for their web resources, assignment of an IPv6 address, and DNS resolution (both forward and reverse) for this address for each Custom Domain Name is available at no extra charge. (IPv6 is experimental at FMP and assigned addresses are subject to change.) |
Up to ten Local Mailboxes, with addresses using your domain names, plus unlimited email forwarding, are included with every Premium Web Service account. You may add or eliminate mailboxes and mail forwarding addresses at any time using FMP's customer mail management website. |
Premium Web Service |
$24.00 / month |
Setup Charge |
$25.00 |
Domain Name Registration
FMP can register your domain name for you with one of the international registries which provide visibility for your name over the entire Internet. FMP will be responsible for keeping your domain registered and will let you know when your re-registration fee is due. Many people prefer to take care of their own domain name registrations, and we'll be happy to provide you with the information you need to do this.
Your domain name will have the form yourbusiness.com or yourorganization.org (without the "www"). Registration of a domain name depends on its availability. Domain name registrations which are maintained for you by FMP will be auto-renewed a month or so prior to their expiration. If you don't want a name re-registered for you, please let us know well before the registration expiry date.
Registration, .com, .net, .org names |
$25.00 / year |
Registration, with no FMP hosting |
$30 / year |
Call for pricing on other top level names. |
A Note on Customer-registered Domain Names
FMP is a domain name reseller for names registered through Gandi.net and provides DNS services for all names. Although FMP will provide technical support for domain names registered by customers with other registrars, we assume no responsibility for re-registration and maintenance of such names. If you have registered a domain name with another registrar and wish to have it supported at FMP, or if you are a current FMP customer and have domains registered with other registrars, please see our page on Customer-Registered Domain Names.
Domain Name Hosting
Once your domain name is registered, it must be supported by a "domain name server" somewhere on the Internet before it can refer to a website or be used as part of an email address. FMP can host your domain name for you whether or not we provide other services such as website hosting for you. Domain Name Hosting for a single domain name is included with Basic Web Service, and hosting for up to 3 domain names is included with Premium Web Service
For our Premium Web Service customers, we provide very flexible email service options. You may have up to 10 mailboxes at FMP to receive email using your domain name. All mail to other mail addresses in your domain (other than to mailboxes which you've set up) can be redirected to the email address of your choice. FMP can provide you with up to 20 mailboxes at a small additional monthly cost. Basic Web Service customers may use email redirection, but no mailboxes are provided.
With Premium
Web Service |
With Basic Web Service |
Setup |
No charge for 1st 3 domains
$15.00 each add'l |
No charge for 1st domain
$15.00 each add'l |
Continuing |
Additional domains
$2.00 / month |
Additional domains $3.50 / month |
Electronic Commerce Services
FMP offers registered Secure Sockets Layer capabilities (SSL) to allow your customers to safely make purchases or enter personal information online. Secure Sockets Layer is a standard web protocol which insures that any information your customers enter online on your website is encrypted before it leaves the customer's computer. Sensitive information such as credit card numbers or other personal data can then be safely shared between your client's computer and FMP's web servers.
Our Secure Sockets Layer web certificate is signed by Let's Encrypt Authority, recognized as a trusted certifying authority by all browsers the world over.
Electronic Commerce Service is available for both Basic and Premium Web Service
Setup |
$5.00 |
Continuing |
No Charge |
Please note that FMP has a very aggressive policy toward spam, a.k.a. unsolicited commercial email or UCE. All mail received at or passed through FMP is checked against several lists of known spam-friendly sources, Mail which is flagged by any of these lists as spam is refused by FMP's mail server.
FMP Mailboxes
If you connect to the Internet through an Internet Service Provider, you will probably already have an email mailbox. Your mail program is set to pick up your email from this mailbox using either the POP3 or IMAP protocols. FMP can provide you with additional mailboxes to meet your business needs. FMP's Premium Web Service includes up to ten user-configurable mailboxes associated with your domian name and with names and passwords of your choice. Additional mailboxes are available as an extra service.
FMP mail service is also available as a standalone
service without web hosting. This mail service provides the same email options as does Premium Web Service - ten user configurable mailboxes, unlimited forwarding addresses, all associated with your chosen domain name.
Mailboxes at FMP can be accessed using either of our convenient webmail interfaces, or using any of the widely available standard email programs such as Thunderbird (from Mozilla), Eudora or Microsoft Outlook Express. FMP supports secure email using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, which encrypts your email during its journey through the public internet. Secure email (POP3 over SSL) is always available to all FMP customers and only requires that you configure your mail software to use it. Most modern email programs support this form of secure email. See our "Using Secure Email" page for instructions on setting up this feature.
FMP provides strong filtering against unsolicited commercial email, also known as "spam". If spam is a problem in your current email account, you may find a mailbox on FMP to be a useful alternative. We provide a system-wide pre-filter to stop spam from know spam sources "at the front door" and offer customizable per-address filtering which each email user can adjust for his or her own mailboxes. Spam filtering is not available for forwarded email.
FMP aggressively filters all incoming email to FMP mailboxes for attachments which may contain viruses. Suspect email is quarantined, and a notification sent to you regarding the problem. You may request release and delivery of quarantined email (at your own risk). Virus filtering is applied to all email delivered to a local mailboxs. Forwarded email is not filtered for viruses. Any FMP customer for whom email is delivered to an FMP mailbox may turn off email virus filtering on a per-mailbox basis, and fine-tuning of the virus filter for each mailbox is available by special request. See our tech page for more information on FMP's mail service.
With Premium
Web Service |
Full Service Email w/o Web Service* |
(Up to 10
Mailboxes) |
no charge |
$15.00 |
Continuing |
no charge |
$12.50 / month |
Up To 25
Mailboxes |
$10.00 / month |
$17.00 / month |
* Prices in this column apply to mailboxes for alias/slave domains for Premium Web Service accounts with more than one domian name where it's necessary to have a separate set of mailboxes and/or forwardings for each domain.
Authenticated SMTP Service
Normally, FMP's customers use a server provided by their Internet Service Provider for sending email, using FMP's mailboxes and email forwarding only for handling inbound email directed to them at their FMP-hosted domain names. On occasion, some FMP customers may have difficulty sending out email through their ISPs over their FMP-supported email addresses, or they may have personnel who travel a great deal ("road warriors") and need a consistent way to send such email when away from their ISP's service. For this situation, FMP provides authenticated SMTP service, available to Premium Web Service or Full Service Email customers. Customers needing such as service can direct their mail programs to FMP's mail
server for sending email (SMTP server) and use a mailbox address and password to gain access to the server for sending out email. The nominal charge for this service is based on the number of mailboxes available to the account - normally 10 unless additional mailboxes have been assigned.
Authenticated SMTP Service |
Monthly |
$2.00 |
Mailing List Service - Currently unavailable
A mailing list is a way to send the same email to many different addresses. These addresses can belong to your customers, members or your organization, your friends and relatives or any group of people with access to Internet email. A mailing list can be set to allow anyone to subscribe to it, or you may control who is on the list. You may restrict who can and can't post email to the list. A "closed" or "moderated" list is often used for product or service announcements by a company or organization, while an open list may receive and distribute postings from any list subscriber. Open lists are often used as discussion forums by people with a common interest.
There are a number of options for mailing lists which are beyond the scope of this page. If you're interested in a mailing list, please call us for further information on the subject.
Please note that FMP does not support the use of mailing lists (or any other means) for distributing unsolicited commercial email, commonly known as "spam". List owners are responsible for all matters relating to subscriber and post moderation, and while FMP will assist with technical issues relating to list policy, proper configuration of lists is likewise the responsibility of list owners.
Maintenance and Programming
The following rates apply to programming and consulting services provided by FMP staff.
CGI or PHP Programming for Web Services: |
$100.00/hr |
Basic HTML composition (20 minute minimum): |
$75.00/hr |
Mailing list administration: |
$40.00/hr |
Mailing list administration, minimum per incident: |
$35.00 |
Miscellaneous Services
Disk space in excess of 100 megabytes |
$1.00/10 meg/month |
Bandwidth in excess of 1000 megabytes in a calendar month |
$3.00/100 megabytes |
All websites built by FMP on the orders of our customers are guaranteed to function in accordance with customer specifications and requirements while hosted with FMP. FMP's hosting environment is, however, highly customized and while every effort will be made to help customers who want to port their websites to other hosting providers, there's no guarantee of portability. While websites built for a Basic Web Service account can probably be relocated with little effort, those built using the active server technologies available for Premium Web Service accounts may require substantial effort to move elsewhere and in many cases it may be easier (and cheaper) to build a new website from scratch.
Please see FMP's account and security policies page for our billing and payment policies.
All prices subject to applicable state taxes for TX residents. For further information, contact Lindsay Haisley at 512-496.7118 or email to <support@fmp.com>.
FMP reserves the right to
refuse service to any individual or group, the content of
whose web page or list service promotes discrimination on the
basis of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation, or provides access to or promotes any activity which is illegal under US law or the laws of any state therein. This may include, at our discretion, sites which feature or provide access to adult-oriented material. All web pages (including any which may require on-line authorization for access) are subject to review by FMP staff, as are public descriptions for mailing lists and list digests. Under no circumstances will FMP examine and/or censure private email.
Use of a mail account on FMP to distribute unsolicited commercial email (SPAM), or use of such an account as a contact address associated with unsolicited commercial email shall result in immediate termination of this account. The use of unsolicited commercial email from any location to promote a website hosted on FMP shall result in immediate termination of all services to the person(s) for whom the website is hosted. FMP takes seriously any complaints from 3rd parties about spam, harassment or illegal activities originating from or passing through account resources hosted for FMP customers and reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate any account implicated in such activity.

FMP Computer Services
Lindsay Haisley, senior administrator
fmouse@fmp.com |
PO Box 126
Leander, TX 78646
Phone: 512.496.7118